These preset I personally created on my own so you can’t use it on any website or on any youtube or social media for commercial use without my prior permission if found strict action against them would be taken. You can use it for your personal use only.

So you can download many more presets than above mentioned from our Lightroom Pack for free.
We have made a special video tutorial on this which comprises of 3 parts; first part I have explained how to download this presets and in the second part I have explained very perfectly how to install this presets in your lightroom step by step and the third part I have explained how to use this presets in your photos and stand out from the rest.

Download file- Click here

  1. Open Lightroom from your PC.
  2. Go to Edit Tab.
  3. Then Go to Preferences Tab.
  4. Go to Preset Tab.
  5. Click on Open Preset containing folder.
  6. Go to the Lightroom folder.
  7. Then go to Develop Preset folder.
  8. Go to the User Preset folder.
  9. Paste all Lightroom Presets which I have given into that folder.
  10. Refresh folder.
  11. Close Lightroom.
  12. Restart Lightroom.
  13. Go to the Preset area.
  14. Go to User Presets.
  15. There you can find all 5 Presets installed.
  16. Enjoy all for free.
How to Install Presets in Lightroom in Mac? Follow these simple steps for Mac User.
->Open Lightroom.
->Go to Lightroom (Dialogue) • Preferences • Presets.
->Click on the box titled: Show Lightroom Presets Folder.
->Double click on Lightroom.
->Double click on Develop Presets.
->Copy the folder(s) of your presets into Develop Presets folder.
->Restart Lightroom.