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Why Affinity Photo is BETTER than Photoshop!

 let me start out this Blog by saying that I used to be a huge Photoshop fan when it comes to editing photos no one can deny that Photoshop is an amazing piece of software however I have now fully switched over to affinity photo and I have zero regrets about making this switch over all affinity photo and Photoshop are very similar layers masks selections and adjustments are virtually identical in both programs with that being said though there are actually some reasons that I like affinity photo better than Photoshop let me share a couple of those reasons with you first off can we just appreciate how much more stylish affinity photo is look at Photoshop slow go and now look at affinity photos logo look at photo shops toolbar and now look at affinity photos I know this is a minor detail but I appreciate a program that looks good especially a program that's designed for creativity on a more serious note I think affinity photos Move tool is way better than photo shops and Photoshop I need to select the move tool make my layer a smart object to avoid losing quality press command or control Tiye to bring up my transform tools resize the object and then confirm my

                                                image source-TechRadar

transformation quite the hassle to do something so simple in affinity resizing objects works just as you would expect you grab the move tool and then handles appear that allow you to resize the object and best of all there's no need to make the layer a smart object affinity automatically resizes layers in a non-destructive manner

another big reason I like affinity better than Photoshop is it's live previews watch me scroll through the blend modes an affinity photo

nowRead me scroll through the blend modes on Photoshop

even more importantly affinity has live brush previews as I hover my brush over anything in Photoshop I don't see anything until I actually click

in contrast affinity gives a live preview of what my brushstrokes will look like just by hovering my brush over anywhere that I want to paint live brush previews save me from a lot of painting and undoing before I get it right affinity also has better gradients than Photoshop when making a gradient in Photoshop I don't see a live preview of what my gradient will look like and then no way to adjust my gradient once it has been laid down if I want to change my gradient in Photoshop I need to make a brand new one an affinity when I make a gradient I get a live preview of what my gradient will look like and then after I've laid my gradient down I can adjust the gradient points without needing to make a brand new one affinity also has a lot of smaller but nice features that Photoshop lacks these aren't crucial features but are certainly nice to have for example affinity makes frequency separation a breeze all you need to do is come up to the filters menu and then select frequency separation for anyone that is a serious portrait retoucher this can be a real time-saver affinity also allows you to go fullscreen on a Mac for someone that always works in full-screen mode photo shops inability to do this is a little frustrating but of course one of the biggest reasons I switched to affinity photo is because of photo shops pricing model

I hate monthly subscriptions and can't stand the thought of paying a monthly fee for the rest of my life to use Photoshop at ten dollars a month Photoshop costs $120 a year $1200 a decade and six thousand dollars over the next 50 years which is about how long I expect to be editing photos in contrast as of now affinity costs are reasonable $50 with free updates to all improvements to the software $50 vs.

$6,000 I'll admit there might be some professional photographers who can justify spending that much to use Photoshop but for 99% of people affinity photo is a rock-solid Photoshop replacement

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