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Make your Instagram Photos look amazing in Lightroom Mobiles

hi welcome back to the Photoshop

training Channel I'm mrs. Rahul in this blog I'm going to show you how to edit your mobile photos using the Lightroom cc mobile app I was recently in the outstandingly beautiful Genoa Nevada where I shot this photo of an old wagon using my Google pixel 3 phone as you can see the original photo wasn't much but I was able to enhance it and make it look amazing using Lightroom cc in this tutorial we're going to focus on the Lightroom cc mobile app but you can follow along using the Lightroom cc desktop app or the web app if you're in Photoshop you can use Camera Raw to follow along all the same adjustments and controls can be found there ok let's get started

so as you can see I'm in Lightroom cc this is what the app looks like when you open it up and you can then tap on all photos so you can see all your photos and you can see that on the top right I have the after image and on the Left I have the before so obviously we'll work with it before so this is what the original photo looks like and in

Lightroom cc you have the panels here at the bottom they control the image by the way if you're not familiar with how Lightroom CC works or how to edit images then check out my free course on

 I'll place a link right below in the description also that was hired by Adobe to create short courses on Lightroom cc and you can find them on the Adobe website at the time of this recording there's only one course that has been published but pretty soon I'll have a second one on there I'll also place a link down below to Adobe's website where you can find my courses but anyway we're gonna start with the crop tool so I'm going to tap on the crop icon and from this crop tool we can click and drag to rotate the image if we need to to strain the horizon and we can use the handles to crop the image since I wanted to post this image on Instagram I'm going to click on the original icon to bring up the different crops and I'll select the one-to-one crop then you can click and drag on the corner handles to adjust how the image will be cropped and then tap and drag to position the image within the crop when you're done just tap on the check mark to commit the changes then I'm gonna move into the global adjustments which start from Auto global adjustments simply means that these settings will affect the entire image later on in the tutorial we're going to focus on local adjustments which focus on specific areas so for now we're doing global adjustments the first thing that I'm going to do is tap on the light icon and we have these sliders that control the luminosity of the image how much light there is in the image for example with the exposure slider you can direct to the right to increase light and direct to the left to reduce light to reset a slider double tap on it what I'm going to do is scroll down and decrease the highlights to bring in more detail into the brighter areas of the image specifically in the sky if you hold the image with one finger you can see that before release to see the after and I'll also bring detail into the shadows by dragging the shadow slider to the right so now I'm bringing in detail in a darker areas of the image and in your image you obviously may need to adjust different settings then we have the color tab tap on it and you can see the sliders a control color I'm going to start by making the image warmer by dragging the temp slider to the right so I'm going to tap and drag to the right there's warms up the image then I can also increase the vibrance vibrance is a smart way of adding saturation it adds more saturation to pixels that don't have a lot of saturation and in

portraits it protects skin tones I'm going to go to the top of the list and I'm going to tap on the mix icon that gives me access to the color mixer from here I can select the color like blue for example and I can adjust the hue of the blue and look at the sky how it's affected by it the saturation and the luminance and I'm double tapping on the sliders to reset them in this case I'm only going to increase the saturation just a bit by dragging the saturation slider to the right and reduce the luminance to darken up the sky just a little bit then I'll adjust the oranges which controls the bottom

for the image so I can increase the saturation to saturate those oranges and reduce the luminance to also make them darker I'll tap on the yellows and I'll make the yellows even warmer by dragging the hue slider to the left increase the saturation and reduce the luminance you can once again just tap and hold on the image to see the before and release to see the after then tap Done now we can move on into the effects tab where we can add clarity the haze and a vignette so I'm gonna start with clarity I'm gonna increase the clarity which adds contrast in the mid-tones and it just makes the image pop next I'm going to tap on the detail tab and increase the sharpening so I'll drive the sharpening slider to the right also when you add sharpening to an image you really don't know what you're affecting it's applying the trapping effect to the entire image and sometimes you may not want that if you're using the desktop app or in Photoshop you actually have a slider that helps you control where to apply the sharpening and that slider is actually found here as well it's the masking slider but when you adjust that nothing really happens if you're in a desktop app you can use a keyboard shortcut to show you how that mask is applied by holding alt or the option key but in a phone we don't have keyboard shortcuts so if you want to see how that masking is applied you drag on the masking slider and then tap and hold on the photo and then you'll be able to see that masking so the masking simply means that anything that is in black will not be affected by the sharpening effect and anything that is in white will be affected by the sharpening effect and that's what we want and then you can come back and adjust the sharpening also that you can tap and hold when you're adjusting the sharpening and you'll be able to see a black and white version of the image which will make it easier to see where you're applying the sharpening effect and now it's time to work with the local adjustments so now that we've affected the entire image now it's time to work with specific areas so what I'll do is I'll tap to the right to move all the panels and then I'll tap on this first icon which is a local adjustment or a selective edit

as it's known in the mobile app then tap on this + icon and select the radio gradient then you can tap and drag to the right and you can control how that radial gradient is applied the red overlay indicates what pixels you're going to be affecting so I'm going to tap and drag to effect these areas then I'm going to go into the light panel and I'll increase the exposure just to brighten up that area because I want to enhance the brightness of the Sun then I'm going to brighten up the shadows again to enhance the brightness then I'm going to move on to the color tab and I'm going to drag the temp slider to the right to warm up the image and make it seem like a bright Sun then I can also increase the saturation in the details tab I can also increase the sharpness just to make that area much sharper then I'll tap on the plus icon once again and this time I'll create a linear gradient I'm going to tap here and drag up so that I effect the bottom part of the image and you can tap on this pin to reposition the gradient so I want to affect that bottom half of the image I'm going to start by going into the light panel and increasing the exposure to brighten up that area then I'll darken the shadows to create some contrast I'll move on into the color tab and increase the temperature to warm that area up even further in the effects tab I'll increase the dije slider the haze is usually used for removing haze from a photo in this case we're going to use it to create more contrast and more detail so I'm going to drag that dije slider to the right

in the details tab I can also add a little bit of sharpness to get more detail on the ground and on the plants then tap on the checkmark to commit the changes once again if I tap and hold on the image you can see that before in the after I'm going to tap on the local adjustments to selective edits and even though I really don't need it in this image I'm going to show you the

paintbrush where you can paint and edit and then use these sliders to control those specific areas again I don't need it in this case I just wanted to show you that you could do that I'm just going to tap on the undo button so I can undo those changes once again that's before and after when you're done you want to obviously put your photo on Instagram you can do that very easily all you do is click on the three dots and select save to device then you can save the image to your device by

pressing ok then you can open up

Instagram and upload the photo just like you would any other photo in your camera roll and just like that you can turn your average shot into an amazing photo using the Lightroom cc mobile app let me know that in the comments below if you like that a Lightroom cc mobile app or what your favorite mobile editing app is also don't forget to follow me on instagram i'm at junior from ptc if you found this tutorial useful don't forget to give it a like if this is your first time at the Photoshop.

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